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HPOA   Info Page

5000+ Bill 36 postcards submitted in Legislative Assembly on Nov. 9!

BC Physicians and Health Professionals attended the BC Legislature to fill the gallery for this event. BC Conservative Party MLA's John Rustad and Dr. Bruce Banman delivered the postcards and met health professionals and members of the public for a press conference on the Parliament Building's front lawn.

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Click on a speaker's name for the link to individual Nov. 9 speeches:

Dr. Stephen Malthouse

Dr. Christoph Kind

Gail Davidson

Jan Webb, RN

Dr. Marina Sapozhnikov

Dr. York Hsiang

Dr. Norman Detillieux

Dr. Anna Kindy

John Rustad, Leader of BC Conservative Party

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Human rights advocate, Gail Davidson, interpreted sections of the HPOA in a BC-wide physicians & health professionals online meeting. Click below to open the presentation slides or video. She also wrote a letter directed to each of the BC MLA's asking them to repeal the HPOA.

The second BC Rising newsletter can be viewed by clicking here.
The first BC Rising newsletter can be viewed by clicking here.

Keep 'em coming. Every postcard sent to your MLA means they can't forget about us!

Inform your fellow BC residents about Bill 36. Send the WORD or PDF files above.

John Rustad

MLA, Nechako Lakes

Leader, BC Conservative Party

Thank you, John & Bruce.
It's time to prepare (and vote) for change in BC.
Vote for the candidate who best represents your needs for a fair and honest government! If your MLA candidate isn't prepared to stand up for YOUR FREEDOM ... have a look at the Conservative Party of BC platform.

The Bill 36 Packet!

This brand new PowerPoint video is a game-changer! Featuring Dr. Malthouse, Dr. Pincott, and several other Bill 36 Champions, this 40-minute video for the public explains how to use all of the Bill 36 campaign materials and to continue distribution to every health professional in BC.

Click on Rumble to open in larger window.


Call Now!

24-hour recorded 2-min Bill 36 info hotline (604) 659-9476

BC Rising Resources

Thank you to our friends at BC Rising for these great resources for us to educate our health care colleagues and the public about Bill 36.

Info packets are being delivered to health care professionals in BC.

Each Professional Bill 36 Packet includes (clickable):

  1. Instruction Sheet* (1)

  2. Cover Letter (1)

  3. Poster (1)

  4. Postcard - Medical/Health providers (1)

  5. Postcard - Patients (5)

  6. Flyer (5)

  7. Petition (1)

Hand Holding

What's in the packet and what to do with each item.

Rubik's Cube

What you need to know.

What you need to do!

Cup of Coffee

This one-pager is to place on walls and bulletin boards in medical offices.


Postcard for medical practitioners to send to their professional associations.


Postcard for patients to send to their MLA's.


This is for sharing widely. It highlights all of the concerns and action plans.

Hand Holding

Send this letter to your MLA (along with postcards completed by their concerned constituents). They need to know this stuff!

Social Media .jpeg Files to Share

The files shown below are easy to share across your favorite social media platforms.

If the image files won't save directly as .jpeg, we suggest that you right click and 'copy' an image file, 'paste' to another app, then save.

Do you tweet? #stopHPOAinBC

Don't forget to link to us at

BC Ministry Bill 36 letter 1a.jpg
Bill 36 poster.jpg
Bill 36 flyer page 2a.jpg
Bill 36 flyer page 1a.jpg
To help us pay for printing of the Bill 36 packets, donate using e-Transfer to BCRising at

Go to the HPOA Media page for blogs, vlogs, letters, articles and poetry.

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