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Our Friends

Canadian Covid Care Alliance

Our alliance of independent Canadian doctors, scientists and health care practitioners is committed to providing top-quality and balanced evidence-based information to the Canadian public about COVID-19 so that hospitalizations can be reduced, lives saved, and our country safely restored as quickly as possible.


Healthcare Workers United (BC)

We are vaccinated & unvaccinated B.C. Health Care Professionals who are seeking medical autonomy for our patients & health care workers.



Action4Canada is a grassroots movement reaching out to millions of Canadians and UNITING our voices in opposition to the destructive policies tearing at the fabric of this nation.


FrontLine Canada

FrontLine Canada is a solution driven program that strives to protect the rights of Canadians and hold government officials to account when it transgresses on the fundamental rights of Canadians.


Global COVID Summit

Follow the link below for the latest and fourth declaration submitted on behalf of 17,000 physicians, scientists, and scholars of the Global COVID Summit.


Vaccine Choice Canada

Vaccine Choice Canada is a federally registered not-for-profit educational society dedicated to helping families make voluntary, fully informed, and health-conscious choices about vaccination.


Canada Health Alliance

The Canada Health Alliance is a not-for-profit collaboration of healthcare professionals from across Canada who envision a world inspired by healthy, informed, strong, and free Canadians.

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